Clara medical force

We stand for honesty and transparency towards candidate and customer

Clara medical force

A successful career in the Netherlands

Welcome to the page of Clara!

Do you want to work as a dentist or medical specialist in the Netherlands? Clara Medical Force guides you to your new job in the Netherlands.

Clara Medical Force guides dentists and other medical specialists to a new life in the Netherlands. Clara helps you with the whole process to be able to work in The Netherlands.

With the right papers in your possession and the right support from Clara you can quickly start as a dentist or as a medical specialist.

Clara arranges everything for you!

An important requirement is that you speak English at a professional level and that you are willing to emigrate to the Netherlands. We place medical specialists from all over the world and it is not a requirement to have EU citizenship. It is a big step so perseverance is required.

Are you ready for a new future!

See the vacancies Contact us

Want to know more? Want to make an appointment?

Please feel free to contact us at or call 085 04 99 466.